Copyright 2004 Donna DeCesare
The most comprehensive coverage of Central America in years.
Award-winning radio to use as an educational and learning tool.
Girls in traditional costume



Segment 7:

Senior Reporter: Maria Hinojosa
Associate: Michele Garcia
Central American Associate: Vilma Recinos

The two decades since the time of heavy conflict in the region have seen profound changes in the role of women. Many women who lost brothers, fathers, or husbands in the fighting were compelled to take on more responsibility. This social dynamic can be seen in the number of women who have entered politics and have taken on leadership positions, from former Nicaraguan president Violeta Chamorro to indigenous rights leader and Nobel Peace Prize winner Rigoberta Menchu in Guatemala. The project's reporters traveled to El Salvador to document the lives of the people in the small village of Santa Marta, near the Nicaraguan border in the decade since the Salvadoran Peace Accords allowed them to return to their homes. They also spoke to women who supported opposing sides during the war, to bring us a compelling picture of the realities and challenges facing women in present day Central America, a region in which violence against women is still an everyday occurrence.

For more information about the issues raised in the segment Women, Identity, Politics and Power in Today's Central America, see the following books and articles.
(Note: this is not intended as a complete list. Check back for more recommendations and an opportunity to make your own recommendations soon.)

Alegría, Claribel and D.J. Flakoll. No me agarran viva. La mujer salvadoreña en la lucha. Ediciones Era: Mexico D.F., Mexico. 1983.

Iljak Luciak: After the Revolution : Gender and Democracy in El Salvador, Nicaragua, and Guatemala


FUNDE: Fundacion nacional para el desarrollo
(They have an extensive library on all aspects of the country and women's roles including very useful statistics.)

Asociacion Movimiento de mujeres Melida Anaya Montes

The role of Radio Venceremos in the democratization process of El Salvador

El Salvador's Radio Venceremos (Radio Victory)

Las Dignas
(Long running women's organization that works on capacity building for women)

Third World Network
Third World Network has a wonderful search engine to browse their extensive collection of revolutionary era video.

National Security Archives on El Salvador
Third World Network has a wonderful search engine to browse their extensive collection of revolutionary era video.

Fact sheet: El Salvador
Role of women in agriculture. Sharing of power and decision-making

Oxfam America: Changing the Legacy of Violence in El Salvador

Political parties:



Produced by GraciasVida Media Center, the independent journalism resource for Latin America.

For more information, contact:
Producer Maria Martin email:
or telephone: 415.670.9717

Funded by
The Corporation for Public Broadcasting
and the Fund for Investigative Journalism.

© Maria Martin

Photo at top left © Donna DeCesare