Joe Hoy

Web Development

I build websites using HTML5, CSS3, SASS, Bootstrap, Gulp, Javascript, jQuery, PHP, and Adobe Creative Suite; MySQL, MAMP and MySQLWorkbench; Git (Tower and command line); and custom themes for Wordpress, Concrete, BWS and BWS-Lite.

For Ogilvy, an advertising agency serving multinational clients:

CDW International
Custom theming of Concrete CMS for website of CDW acquisition
CompTIA One Million Reasons
Responsive landing page for contest
CDW Amazing Solutions
Facebook app for contest
Interface Human Nature product line
Single page app with Parallax scrolling.
Note-- the https certificate lapsed on the client's server. Go to Advanced, then Proceed to site. It is safe.

CSS3 Transforms

Like stadium card flips, but with CSS3 transforms and perspective.

This is the first proof-of-concept for flip system.

This is the work-in-progress flip system that can take an array of images, grid dimensions, and flip directions as arguments. Working on debugging and implementing Javascript promises rather than setInterval for timing.

Landing Pages

Responsive landing page for Sears gift registry

Edit settings page for Sears gift registry

Landing page for College Illinois savings program
Visitors fill out a form and receive a voucher to start saving; their information was stored in a database and downloaded automatically to the client on a weekly basis.

Banner ads

This demo page was used for a new business pitch showing banner ad styles.

This work-in-progress page will contain 3 sample animated banners in leaderboard, skyscraper, and large rectangle sizes.

After the Wars

The website for "After the Wars" is the online component of a radio documentary series broadcast on NPR which deals with the aftermath of the civil and guerilla wars in Central America. Each episode is available in streaming format along with a bibliography of books and websites. The client, producer Maria Martin, is based in Texas and Guatemala.

This is the original site using Flash to stream audio in a user-friendly controller, and uses php for site architecture.

This is the work-in-progress update site, redesigned and responsive, with HTML5 to stream.

Joe Hoy did a wonderful job for this project: incorporating audio, photographs, and great design to showcase a comprehensive project on Central America. In addition to his substantial talents as a web designer and developer, he is also a great person to work with–taking initiative when it's needed and being flexible and collaborative when called for. He's both an artist and a technologist.
– Maria E. Martin
   Director, GraciasVida Center for Media

I teach two classes, "Introduction to Computer Animation" and "Computer Animation I" in the Cinema Art and Science department at Columbia College Chicago.

We use Autodesk Maya, Adobe Photoshop and After Effects. These are hands-on lecture-lab courses in which students create short computer-animated videos.